by calvin | 3 Feb, 2017 | The Bantara Chronicles
I love eBooks, and read pretty much everything on my Kindle these days. But for some readers there’s nothing better than holding a physical copy of a book in their hands… the weight, the smell of the paper, the feel of turning actual pages. So I’ve...
by calvin | 6 Apr, 2016 | The Bantara Chronicles, Fiction
The following excerpt is taken from Chapter 7: Troubled Waters of my fantasy novel Empire. Get your copy now on Amazon UK, Amazon US or search for Empire Bantara on your local Amazon store. Download a free sample of Empire here. Amber woke with a start to a sound...
by calvin | 31 Mar, 2016 | The Bantara Chronicles
Spring is traditionally a time for cleaning up and clearing out — so what better time to give the manuscript of Empire a bit of a spring clean? I needed to re-read the book anyway (I did write the original more than 15 years ago now) so that it would be fresh in...
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