One of these years I’m going to make it to Cong, County Mayo for “CongRegation”.


What is CongRegation, I hear you cry?

“Congregation or #cong14 is a one day ‘un-conference’ social media gathering taking place in Cong, Co Mayo on Saturday November 29th 2014.Congregation 2014. This is the second year of the event with over 50 people from all over Ireland taking part in 2013. Entry is earned again this year with an on the day focus on the sharing of insights and building of relationships.”  –

You can’t buy a ticket to CongRegation, you have to “earn” your place by writing a blog post on or around the topic of social media, and get it accepted for inclusion. I first heard about the initiative in 2013, when organiser Eoin Kennedy approached me and asked if I’d like to participate. Unfortunately I was going to be away speaking at another event, but I was sufficiently intrigued to contribute a blog post anyway. You can read “Social media is child’s play” here.

This year I missed out on CongRegation again.

This time I was even further away — coming to the end of a four month trip around Australia and South East Asia with the family. As I did last year I decided to submit a post anyway. “Three in a bed: the complex relationship between search, content and social media“, written on-the-road in Loas, seemed to strike a chord with readers.

Following the tweets for the event from afar, and reading subsequent accounts of the event from around the web, it seems I missed an enjoyable and productive day in Cong. As I wasn’t there, I can’t let you know what it was like… but here are a few people who can: check out these posts by Eoin Kennedy (the event organiser), Dermot Casey and Aisling Nelson. And of course there are all the #cong14 tweets.

Congratulations to Eoin on organising such a successful event.,, I really hope I can make it in 2015.